We’ve been busy at NoSweat Valve Reusable Valve Wraps insulating valves for many new customers. We just filled an order of 1200 wraps in Vancouver, Washington and Ohio for the world’s largest retailer, A new TOGE (Tohono O’odham Gaming Enterprise) casino in Arizona, and an advanced specialty wrap order of 2400 wraps for a new courthouse in New Jersey.
We love seeing where our wraps are being used. Show us how you are using our wraps with an on-site picture of our No Sweat Valve Wraps, with label showing, installed on your job site and we’ll send you a FREE T-Shirt.

(1) Pictures should have our label showing
(2) Please include Company name, Project name and Location
(3) Your name, address and t-shirt size for shipping.
The best shots may be featured on our Facebook page and/or blog.